Ordre National des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Cameroun / Cameroon Natioanal Dental Council
The Chantal Biya Foundation is the largest charitable organization in Cameroon. It is the Foundation created in 1995 and chairmaned by the First Lady of Cameroon, Mrs. Chantal Biya who has been an active UNSECO goodwill ambassador for the past two decades.
Since its creation, the Foundation has made a tremendous work in every corner of Cameroon, with some significant actions in Sao Tomé and Principé, in Burkina Faso, in Haiti and many more places. It mainly work to better the life of children, the sicks and women. Mrs Chantal Biya is a pioneer spokesperson of the African continent in tackling massively deadly diseases like HIV and Malaria all over Africa.
Visit websiteWe Nseteuh in Medumba stands for Women Association for The Development of Tonga. Indeed, the women that form the elite of Tonga, a small rural city in West Cameroon have gathered together around this association in order to work for the development of Tonga.
Their work mainly focuses on the advancement of girls and women rights, on girls and women access to education and health care and on their access to higher opportunities in life in order to give them economic and social independence to better support themselves and thus their society as a whole.
The association is formed by 65 women from different backgrounds; since its creation, it has helped more than 2300 households by empowering the women and the girls.