Eventhough we would love to serve all local nonprofits, we have to selection a few of them to make sure our work has a real and durable impact.
We work with charitable organisations:
There are so many causes to support... We ought to support the ones we choose to fight for with the most care to achieve the best results. Thus while designing community projects and aid programs:
Because the African anthropological context can be tainted with a number of structural issues such as: ethnical or civil wars and conflicts, tribalism, ancestral beliefs, gender inequalities, witchcraft, etc. We always make sure that we develop with the nonprofits we work with projects and programs that apply equity, diversity and inclusion.
We are a guarantor to donors, partners and sponsors. We insure that the funds and ressources they generously grant the nonprofits we serve will be used for the projects and programmes they are intended to.
In order for the projects and programmes we help adjust and redesign to come true:
In the end, we push to translate value into measurable impact. By doing so, we can constantly make room for significant improvements as we assess what works, what does not and what could be better.
In an environment with low good governance regards, it is important for us to reassure foreign donors, partners and sponsor on the advancement of the projects and programs they support, are emotionally and financially invested into.
Thus we send weekly reports to them consisting in financial statements, pictures and videos, as well as projections, etc.
If it is desired and if a diplomatic representation from the country of the donors, partners and sponsor exist in the recipients country, these follow-ups can be done directly via the embassy or consulate that sometimes send delegations to appreciate the advancement of the works, the constructions or the implementation of programs. When foreign donors, partners and sponsors cannot come visit themselves, such diplomatic representatives are also usually present for projects, programs launches, foundation stone laying ceremonies, final signatures, etc.
For the remaining life of the projects and programs we will send supported by a foreign donor, partner or sponsor, we will send by creating such thorough liaison: