Live Alive was created on the basis of a simple observation:
Even though the African continent is tremendously rich in natural resources, it is the poorest on Earth.
Yet again it is the continent that receives the least private giving either locally or internationally.
Sadly it does make sense as on one hand, majority of the African population is living under the poverty line and on the other hand “charity begins at home”; Thus, most charitable donors around the World tend to pour their generosity in their cities, their countries and in the communities they have particular ties with.
This phenomenon leaves most African charities, foundations and nonprofit organizations with an unmatched scarcity of means, resources and opportunities to meet the needs of the most vulnerable.

However, instead of hopelessly contemplating these observations, we decided to furthermore comprehend the reasons why people around the World are reluctant to give to charities, foundations and nonprofit organizations based in African countries.

After careful analysis, we came to realize that there is a number of serious hurdles preventing global benefactors to safely and efficiently contribute and donate to charitable organizations in many African states.
We concluded that amongst others, the main obstacles are related to:

  • A lack of international visibility and recognition of African nonprofits due to quasi-inexistent communication, marketing and branding budgets.
  • A lack of exposure and knowledge on where to search for or how to apply for international funding.
  • A lack of formal and legal structuration of most African charitable organizations according to international laws.
  • A lack of credibility of African nonprofit organizations in general due to an awful track record tainted by lot of scams and fraud stories.
  • A lack of accountability and transparency due to bad governance and poor business practices in many African countries ecosystems.
  • A lack of systematic follow-up assessments and reports to benefactors regarding the realizations they help to achieve and the lives they help to change

From there, we understood the difficulties faced by African nonprofits as well as international funders.
As a group of experts, we realized that we had the knowledge, the skills, the expertise and the connections to bring a solution to the observations we made.
This is how we decided to create Live Alive Group.

Since 2013, we have worked hand-in-hand with several African charitable organizations to help them realize their philanthropic vision; We have built unevaluable relationships and we have raised funds that impacted a tremendous number of lives across the Continent. Yet we believe it’s only the beginning!